Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Last word for now

I awake in a room,
Grey, glossy, shiny, smooth, cold marble all around me,
I'm sitting on the marbled floor, to the sides marble, in front and the back of me marble, at the bottom and above me marble,
I'm in a marbled room,locked without escape,
On my side is a huge pile of cocaine, pure and white like Angels dust, but I know deep within the glorious dust lies the Devils snow snarling and smiling in secret waiting just waiting.
Behind me are crisp two hundred rand notes waiting to be rolled into a stiff stick,screaming roll me damnit just roll me!!!
My fingers are sweating and shaking like dry brittle leaves caught up in a storm.
My mind and heart tells me to roll and snort, roll and snort like there's no tomorrow,
My conscience tells me to hold on, think about this!!
My mind and heart devours my conscience without a blink,
I roll, roll, roll and roll until the crisp two hundred rand becomes a stiff stick,
I put the note to my nose, 
and my nose bleeds and bleeds, it bleeds so much that the room and Angel dust become a bright crimson red.
I'm in a crimson red room now, what was once marble becomes a bright red room,
The colour blinds me and burns me to the core, 
I burn to dust,
Out of my dust I am born again, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, I soar through the walls and I fly into the sky,
I breath the air which shoots through me creating fire,
I become a fire ball of energy soaring the skies, there's no limit for me,
I fly at a speed beyond comprehension, 
I fly and burn until I become dust,
From Dust to dust, from Ashes to ashes,is what........

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