Monday, November 26, 2007

White dragon

I'm trapped in a piece of black plastic, waiting to be freed,
waiting for someone to experience my passion, my passion to consume, to consume you and your soul,
You open me up ever so gently,
You handle me with care, like a woman holding her baby out of her womb.
You sprinkle me on silver paper,
You burn me up, igniting my Life Force.
Slowly you release me.......The White Dragon,
My fumes intoxicate you,
I slowly and gently move into your nostrils,
I slowly consume you.
I'm gentle at first, I know you want more of me,
the more you smoke me, the more you Invite Me
My power within you becomes fearsome.
I consume You and your Soul.
I Kill you from the inside out.
I drain you until you become dry and brittle and finally you burn to ash.
I am the White Dragon and you will never escape me,
I Am Heroine

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